Pop up image when anchor clicked using jquery

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To popup an image give the anchor tag around the image this class: "hs-rsp-popup" Example:
<a href="image.png" class="hs-rsp-popup"><img src="image.png" alt="image"/></a>

For an iframe, set the srct of the iframe and use the class "iframe" combined with "hs-rsp-popup":
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=en-GB&v=2WNrx2jq184&gl=GB" class="hs-rsp-popup iframe" title="Bird is the word">Watch this</a>

You can also use this to show html content. For local content just use the id of the element for the href:
<a href="#elementid" class="hs-rsp-popup hiddendiv">click here</a>
<div id="elementid" style="display:none">Hello, World!</div>

For remote content, link to the page, for example:
<a href="http://www.hotscot.net" class="hs-rsp-popup hiddendiv">click here</a>

Setting Popup Size (image/iframe)

You can use the following html5 data attributes in your link to set the size: data-popupheight="100" data-popupwidth="300" These values are in pixels.
For Example:
<a href="image.png" class="hs-rsp-popup" data-popupheight="100" data-popupwid


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