Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Visual Studio

Ctrl-Del Delete next "word"

Ctrl-Shift-S Saves all files and projects

F7 Switches from the design view to the code view in the editor

Shift-F7 Switches from the code view to the design view in the editor

Shift-F8 or F8 Navigate to compile time errors

Alt-Shift-A Add Existing Item(file) to selected project

Ctrl-Shift-A Add New Item(file) to selected project

F12 Moves the cursor to the selected method, variable, class definition.

Ctrl-] Moves the cursor to the matching brace in the document. If the cursor is on an opening brace, this will move to the corresponding closing brace and vice versa

Shift-Tab Moves current line or selected lines one tab stop to the left

Ctrl-K, Ctrl-C Marks the current line or selected lines of code as a comment, using the correct comment syntax for the programming language

Ctrl-K, Ctrl-U Removes the comment syntax from the current line or currently selected lines of code

Ctrl-M, Ctrl-O Automatically determines logical boundaries for creating regions in code, such as procedures, and then hides them. This collapses all such regions in the current document

Shift-Alt-T Moves the line containing the cursor below the next line

Ctrl-U Changes the selected text to lowercase characters

Ctrl-Shift-U Changes the selected text to uppercase characters

Ctrl-Shift-Spacebar Displays a tooltip that contains information for the current parameter, based on the current language

Ctrl-M, Ctrl-P Removes all outlining information from the entire document(maximise All method description)

Ctrl-M, Ctrl-o Removes all outlining information from the entire document(minimize method description)

Ctrl-R, Ctrl-P Swaps the anchor and endpoint of the current selection

Ctrl-M, Ctrl-M Toggles the currently selected hidden text section or the section containing the cursor if there is no selection between the hidden and display states(maximise single method description)

Ctrl-Delete Deletes the word to the right of the cursor

Ctrl-Backspace Deletes the word to the left of the cursor

Ctrl-M-O Collapse all the methods, classes, regions in the current code behind or class file

Ctrl-M-P or Ctrl-M-L Expands all the methods, classes, regions in the current code behind or class file

F4 or Alt-Enter Displays the Properties window, which lists the design-time properties and events for the currently selected item

Ctrl-Alt-S Displays the Server Explorer window, which allows you to view and manipulate database servers, event logs, message queues, web services, and many other operating system services

Ctrl-Alt-L Displays the Solution Explorer, which lists the projects and files in the current solution

Ctrl-Alt-X Displays the Toolbox, which contains controls and other items that can be dragged into editor and designer windows

Ctrl-Alt-I Displays the Immediate window, where you can find the controls or variables values or can do data manipulation during debugging


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